- This thread is NOT for chatting. It's only for submitting a report, or responding to one if you were axcused in a report.
- Do NOT abuse this reporting topic please. You should only report the MOST offensive users/abuses here.
- There is a mute button for each user, by which you can mute any user you wish not to "hear". Primarily, this is your only way to ignore a user that you feel is bothering you. Do not report minor offences, and use your mute button instead please.
- Reports should include the offenders name.
- Reports should include a summary of what the abuse is.
- Reports should include a screenshot. Google how to do it if you do not know! Reports without valid a screenshot of the abuse will be ignored, as action is not taken on hearsay.
- If you wish to report a mod as well, you may do it here.
- Reporting is a last resort. Use your social skills to avoid conflict, or again, use your mute button!
- This thread is only for game abuse reports. If you want to report a forum user, do so by using the "report post" button above the user's post.
Here is a link to the VW rulebook:
http://www.vortexwars.com/forum/viewtop ... f=4&t=1241