Las Vegas Mass Shooting

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Re: Las Vegas Mass Shooting

Postby Drone6o3 » Thu Oct 19, 2017 8:40 am

Also the weapon most likely used was a Military Grade M240. Gun control won't do **** against that.

I'm too lazy to defend my point, so take it as the ravings of a conspiracy theory if you will, but it sounded like one. If you feel like looking into it, here's a bottom of the barrel look.
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Re: Las Vegas Mass Shooting

Postby fluppa » Fri Oct 20, 2017 8:06 am

Drone603, so Gun Control won't do anything, you say ?! So what is the point of your post ?
Just to tell us which Gun the Killer used ? Would any of the relatives care about that ?
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Re: Las Vegas Mass Shooting

Postby Drone6o3 » Fri Oct 20, 2017 4:55 pm

.-. Are you under the impression that the families of the victims don't want to know what was used to kill their kin?
Not to be insensitive, but I would be very upset if I were not informed by which means someone I cared about was killed.

I have lost many close to me recently, and I'm a little desensitized to death. I never meant anything wrong as much as I noticed someone was advocating for something political, and I threw in my two cents on that issue. I have friends in Vegas, and I was very quick to delve into the data. I look into facts, not emotions. I am emotionless around death now, because if I wasn't I probably would've taken my own life by now. Please, I am sorry for my insensitivity, but it's how I maintain composure.

I wasn't the first people to bring up "Gun Control" in this topic, so don't get pissy at me for defending why it wouldn't have done **** in this situation as the firearms possessed where already illegal. Could it help other situations? possibly. Could it have prevented this one? no.
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Re: Las Vegas Mass Shooting

Postby fluppa » Sat Oct 21, 2017 6:49 pm

In the USA are more weapons in private possession than in any other country in the world. The lobby of the weapon producers is powerful.
The USA spent 2016 about 611 billion US $ for their Military. Russia 69,2 US $ in the same year.
Source: ... rausgaben/
Don't the US people think it is time for a change ? And if so, someone has to make a start. Otherwise the USA will take the way all empires
in the past did.
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Re: Las Vegas Mass Shooting

Postby Drone6o3 » Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:44 am

I just realized... Fluppa, you're a German, right?
.-. I can causally laugh when a Brit is promoting Gun Control for the Americans, because half the reason gun ownership is so entrenched into the American Culture was the "independence" factor. Coming from a German I just have to point out that Gun Control worked Great in your country. The citizenry had almost no ability to fight back when your own government turned against a large portion of your populous, and helped drive the whole of Europe into war. Thanks for your tips, I'll be sure to consider them.

The second amendment is not for hunting, or for self defense. It's there to insure that the population can rebel against tyrants. Something your country has never done within it's history, and as an Authoritarian Wonderland, surely never will. I won't pretend to know more about your countries history than you, but I will ask that you stop trying to speak on what's best for mine. "Oh no, 50 people died in 1 mass shooting from a military grade weapon that's already illegal!" "Oh no, 50 people in Chicago die from gun related incidences everyday, using illegal weaponry that average citizens can't have" "We should make it harder for law abiding citizens to own weapons that ARE legal."

If the United States falls, it will not be do to some crazed loners shooting away at a population of 323.1 Million 50 at a time. It'll be from some foreign army (which will most likely not happen seeing as my country has the most heavily armed populous, as you said yourself), or internal strife in relations to identity politics / civil war. Empires don't fall from the criminals within them. They fall from outside forces, the law abiding populous rebelling, or the population being so ideologically split they go to war. (In rare cases they die a slow death, like Greece)
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Re: Las Vegas Mass Shooting

Postby Guest77 » Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:10 pm

Drone6o3 wrote:the law abiding populous rebelling, or the population being so ideologically split they go to war

You do realize how much more likely either of these things have become as of late, don't you?

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Re: Las Vegas Mass Shooting

Postby GivinUDaHimelik » Tue Oct 24, 2017 3:16 pm

Guest77 wrote:
Drone6o3 wrote:the law abiding populous rebelling, or the population being so ideologically split they go to war

You do realize how much more likely either of these things have become as of late, don't you?

Especially now that people are arguing to remove all reminders that the Civil War ever happened by tearing down statues, monuments, and placards. :? If you remove history's reminders, you will eventually forget history and go out and repeat it. That's the only reason I support leaving statues of Confederate soldiers/leaders up; to remind us how terrible our first attempt at splitting the U.S. into two was.

By the way, FBI still investigating Vegas shooting and expect full investigation to take a year at least. They are still looking into the possibility of a second shooter (despite reports to the negative), outside help, and terrorist ties. Nothing has been determined yet as motive, so, nothing has been ruled out as a possibility. The lawsuits against various companies have begun to pile up from families of the victims; sadly, I don't know how much they will actually win because no one (it seems) could have predicted or stopped this from happening. The only place they will predictably get any money from is the Paddock estate and that will run out quickly.
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Re: Las Vegas Mass Shooting

Postby fluppa » Tue Oct 24, 2017 4:49 pm

Drone603 wrote:
" It's there to insure that the population can rebel against tyrants. Something your country has never done within it's history"

Here are just a few examples where Germans rebel against Tyrants or bad situtations in Germany.

9 CE "Battle of the Teuteburg Foret" where german tropps battle and defeat 3 roman legions.
Source: ... urg_Forest

1848 "March" Revolution for liberal principles
Source: ... E2%80%9349

1934 - 1944 "26 Attempts to assassinate Hitler"
Source: ... olf_Hitler

And YES - I am German !
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Re: Las Vegas Mass Shooting

Postby fluppa » Tue Oct 24, 2017 6:41 pm

Drone603 wrote:
"I will ask that you stop trying to speak on what's best for mine"

Some foreign Reporters saw the development Germany took from 1933-1939.
They wrote about it and the Nazi's saw the critics as enemies.
Sure it is easy to live without any foreign critics.
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Re: Las Vegas Mass Shooting

Postby Drone6o3 » Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:13 am

Disarming a populous will not stop a civil war. It would only sway it in favor to the side that the federal government supports (Most likely a side that wants to expand and strengthen the amount of control the federal government can exert over it's own people). Please note: I'm not just picking on Fluppa because he's German. I'd love to pick on any authoritarian regime that confiscated the weapons of the populous inside it, then mistreated the populous. Fluppa just happened to be publicly German, and advocating for Gun Control.

Response to GivinUDaHimelik
Spoiler: show
GivinUDaHimelik wrote:By the way, FBI still investigating Vegas shooting and expect full investigation to take a year at least.

Okay, to be completely honest, I can't really argue with you aside from literal speculation. All I know is locals and local authorities tried to confirm that there were multiple gunmen, then the FBI basically asked them to stop. I have friends who live in Vegas and they found it mildly disturbing. Many people seem to think it was a failed "Weapons Deal" gone wrong, and that the FBI investigating it is really dumb, given they're the most likely candidates for hosting the deal (Which is shocking to me, given it's normally the CIA doing shady shit like that). ... g-gone-bad
Director Comie, Please Investigate Yourself.

Response to Fluppa
Spoiler: show
No Guns Involved.

German revolutions of 1848–49
Result: Rebellions Struck Down

Oh look what didn't work?

Also, I said "The citizenry had almost no ability to fight back" not that they couldn't at all, and that was in reference to German Gun Control. Last time I checked, the Roman Legions never confiscated WWI Weaponry from the citizens after creating a registry. Most of the attempts on Hitlers life when Germany had gun control enacted were not straight out rebellion, but insurrection style rebelling. The first two 'rebellions' had basically nothing to do with what I was saying. The second one was an example on why Gun Control is effective at preventing rebellions, The first one didn't even involve firearms... If your point was "Germans can Rebel Too" I never said they couldn't. I was just saying it's a lot harder when the means to due so was so heavily controlled by the Authoritarian Government that Germany finds itself under.

There was no storming of a German Bastille. There was no Citizen Revolt. If there were any mass revolts against the Regime they were put down, and couldn't even have any hopes of stopping it given they were outmatched, and outgunned. National Socialist Germany Fell from outside armies, and Allied Liberation. National Socialist Germany did NOT fall from people failing to kill Hitler.

*Edited for Formatting Improvement
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