Battle of the Dragons Arena
These special tournament games are simply for fun.
Game Rules
1) Unless requested specially, each game shall be played upon the Metahex-Vortex player map, Start type shall be conquor, Game type shall be Hardcore, New Troops shall be Borders, Max Players shall be 6 and all upgrades shall be disabled.
2) It is asked of you that you do not troll (Spawn your starting region within 2 white spaces of another player).
3) It is asked that no alliances nor truces be formed between any players.
4) Upon a draw situation, the player with the most regions shall be declared the victor of the Dragons Arena.
5) Please be respectable and do not use vulgar language.
6) Guests are not allowed to participate.
Winners Hall of Fame
Dragon Arena 1: Twix
Dragon Arena 2: DragonProphet
Record of Games
Dragon Arena 1
1)Twix (Won by having most regions upon draw)
2)TheDragon( Received 2nd for having 2nd most regions upon draw)
3)PerkinsBoss795(Received 3rd for having 3rd most regions upon draw)
4)DeagonProphet (Elminated by TheDragon)
5)Guest487(Eliminated by Twix)
6)gaest8435 (Eliminated by Twix)
Dragon Arena 2
1) DragonProphet (1st Place in draw)
2) ChocolateTeapot (2nd place in draw)
3)Kurtrose (3rd place in draw)
4)Guest6496 (Eliminated by DragonProphet)
5)Pirat of love (Eliminated by ChocolatTeapot)
6)Roki123 (Eliminated by DragonProphet)