World War II

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Re: World War II

Postby Ryankill » Tue May 20, 2014 9:52 pm

ms are pulling out because og the set up and rules of this as they can be easly abused for the team in which chooses to do so
-Damon, sure as hell doesn't look like it

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Re: World War II

Postby GivinUDaHimelik » Tue May 20, 2014 9:54 pm

That team would be kicked if proven to be cheating. No reason to pull out without talking to both myself and Wolf and we make a decision.
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Re: World War II

Postby Ryankill » Tue May 20, 2014 10:01 pm

but in the first game there is reasonable to think that it could be easly done and it would be next to impossable to prove
as for example

there is 8 people for the game, 4 on each side, its a ffa for , winning clan gets the prize for there side, but one side has a plan that they work together untill the other side is dead, and there side gets the prize no matter what giving them every advantage in the game
-Damon, sure as hell doesn't look like it

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Re: World War II

Postby British Bulldog » Tue May 20, 2014 10:06 pm

If you are implying we were cheating i will repeat what I said in game. Ryan split me, from there i had to reconnect. Ryan was in the way because he put himself there in the first place. After he split me and i was at my weakest why would i piss another player off? I may be guilty of being a worse player then you lot (levels clearly show this) but i'm not a cheat because i never helped Ryan beat yellow.

The game rules do need sorting out, most players thought it was a team game before and it was all a bit of a mess. I also said i think that game should be a trial and not count.

Anyway i'm not letting anyone sour my first clan match. I thought i gave a decent account of myself and was happy with 2nd place. Its only a game, it should be for fun not to argue.
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Re: World War II

Postby Codename Sea » Tue May 20, 2014 10:11 pm

You chose at attack both of us before either of us had even touched the other -- neither of us intended for that to happen. To be perfectly honest, I thought you'd allow blue to finish killing off green and you'd strictly focus on me before you two even bothered touching. However, that didn't happen. Instead of continuing to push at me, you tried to push at both British Bulldog and myself, cutting him in two and ejecting yourself into my depths. Why would we attack each other in that situation and make even more borders than we already had?

Once we pushed you back and effectively kept you cut -- neither of us attacked each other, because (or at least in my situation), I wasn't going to let someone sit "behind" me and build while I got caught in the middle of a game of tug of war. I wanted you out of that part of the map, and then I focused on blue.
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Re: World War II

Postby Ryankill » Tue May 20, 2014 10:25 pm

i didnt say you cheated, its just that there is reasonable to say it could easly happen.
it just happoned that the two of you where on the axis side

British Bulldog wrote:i never helped Ryan beat yellow.

thats right, you helped yellow kill me, 19 turns went past when i had half the sectors of yellow and you had a extra 5-10 more than me, both of you had fullcyclinders firing on me, 2v1 and dont give any shit of ''he was ahead''

British Bulldog wrote:The game rules do need sorting out, most players thought it was a team game before and it was all a bit of a mess. I also said i think that game should be a trial and not count.

agree with you there

British Bulldog wrote:Anyway i'm not letting anyone sour my first clan match. I thought i gave a decent account of myself and was happy with 2nd place. Its only a game, it should be for fun not to argue.

im not sour, im trying to make sure this dosnt happen again
-Damon, sure as hell doesn't look like it

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Re: World War II

Postby Autumnwolf17 » Tue May 20, 2014 10:41 pm

Ryankill wrote:but in the first game there is reasonable to think that it could be easly done and it would be next to impossable to prove
as for example

there is 8 people for the game, 4 on each side, its a ffa for , winning clan gets the prize for there side, but one side has a plan that they work together untill the other side is dead, and there side gets the prize no matter what giving them every advantage in the game

Forgive me for being the less informed contributor here (I'm like celebrity endorsement at this point, minus the fame), but are you saying it's cheating if a team works together?
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Re: World War II

Postby Ryankill » Tue May 20, 2014 10:48 pm

Autumnwolf17 wrote:
Ryankill wrote:but in the first game there is reasonable to think that it could be easly done and it would be next to impossable to prove
as for example

there is 8 people for the game, 4 on each side, its a ffa for , winning clan gets the prize for there side, but one side has a plan that they work together untill the other side is dead, and there side gets the prize no matter what giving them every advantage in the game

Forgive me for being the less informed contributor here (I'm like celebrity endorsement at this point, minus the fame), but are you saying it's cheating if a team works together?

No, we signed up as i thought it would be 3v3 or 4v4, like one from each clan on each side
But thats not happoned, it was ffa, 1v1v1v1v1v1, and i was told that the person that wins, if they are in the clan on the axis side ,the axis side gets it as a whole and the side with the most at the end wins, but thats to me sounds stupid as i got screwed by two axis player (not acusing of cheating, it just how the shit went down) when i am allied side

Sorry, im finding this hard to explain
-Damon, sure as hell doesn't look like it

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Re: World War II

Postby Autumnwolf17 » Tue May 20, 2014 10:50 pm

So essentially three members from three clans were on the same team? It doesn't seem that bad... As far as I know, that was the idea, although once again, I'm just the second host at the moment, I'm leaving it to Given to figure things out. (and he's doing a rather good job as far as I can see)
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Re: World War II

Postby Codename Sea » Tue May 20, 2014 10:53 pm

I'll be as unbiased as possible in this explanation.


Top left - Green
Top right - Blue (British Bulldog)
Mid left - Orange
Bottom right - Red
A little left of bottom right - Pink (Ryan)
Bottom right - Yellow (myself)

Here's how it went down -- Green went straight at orange and took him out. Red and pink duked it out early. I built a nice little protective layer and then went for Pink after he killed off Red. Blue went for Green while I went for Pink, but made too many borders and then Pink cut him while also attacking me. During this time, I ignored that Blue was bigger than me and only went for Pink, and being cut, Blue did the same. Until I forced Pink out of the bottom right I didn't go to Blue, as I wasn't touching him, albeit I do see how this could look like an ally situation, however unintentional it was. The bottom right had a nice choke point that I did not feel safe leaving Pink in, and so I focused solely on getting him out of there before trying to focus my efforts elsewhere. It took quite a while, as his dragons were quite lucky defense-wise. Unfortunate that it came to that, but that's how VW seems to work -- you can't guarantee a 100% FFA when people are concerned with their immediate safety over the overall outcome sometimes.

There were NO teams. It was a free for all - one member each from 6 clans. 2 from Axis and 4 from Allied, but there were no teams due to the uneven nature should there have been teams.

EDIT: Jonsteederi - Red
British Bulldog - Blue
SecretC - Yellow
GivinUDaHimelik - Green
Ryankill - Pink
Manny158 - Orange
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