Confession Booth

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Confession Booth

Postby Vortex_Master » Sun Nov 30, 2014 11:25 pm

The game is simple. Confess something you have never told to the VW community. (Within the VW Terms, Conditions, and Rules)

It can be as obscure or revealing as you like. For example:
Obscure: I have done something illegal sometime in my life.
Partially-Revealing: I have been publicly indecent this year.
Revealing: I'd rather not go into detail. :lol: You get the point.
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Re: Confession Booth

Postby Autumnwolf17 » Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:46 am

Okay... well it isn't terribly interesting or exciting, but the first time I used the AutumnWolf17 username, I had intended to write "AurumWolf17" (Latin for gold), but my finger slipped or something and I mistyped it as "Aurumn" and autocorrect changed it to "Autumn". I didn't catch it for like an hour and when I did I decided I was too lazy to make another account (because it didn't really matter for that site). After that, I guess the mistake kind of grew on me, so I used it a few more times for less important things... including Vortex Wars, because I only intended to play this game for a few days while I waited for something better and I ended up becoming a fan. If I had known at the time I would have gotten into Vortex Wars as much as I did, I probably would have used a different name.

So I'm Autumn now as a result of laziness and low expectations.
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Re: Confession Booth

Postby BeatlesFan » Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:38 am

When I "left the game" last year, I still kept up on the forum on a very regular basis (guest only) and also made a new forum account "ForumMod" in a failed attempt to get Lopdo to allow me back in as a Moderator only. I think if he had let me do that I never would have come back as BeatlesFan...
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Re: Confession Booth

Postby Fangfallen » Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:02 am

Obscure: I'm not who you think I am.
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Re: Confession Booth

Postby >(FM)< » Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:37 pm

Obscure: I have copy rights to this thread name you jerk.
Revealing: You're a Meanie.
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Re: Confession Booth

Postby Vortex_Master » Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:49 am

1.) My girlfriend has played strip poker... Without me... With people she barely knew... In Germany... Before she was even comfortable with me seeing her in her underwear... (We're cool on this after some discussion.)
2.) I have recently thought about leaving VW, but continuing to stay updated by checking the forum as a guest, and going to the chatroom under the alias Foxtrot. However, I learned that the chat is basically dead, and I like you guys too much.
3.) My girlfriend and I am very open to each other and discuss almost everything. We both feel that discussion is a key part of a relationship.
4.) My friends and I are doing Secret Santa, and I happened to get my girlfriend, so I'm getting her two gifts. :lol:
5.) I used to be majorly depressed, and still have bouts every now and then. I also went through a phase of cutting that I am not proud of and very few know about.
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Re: Confession Booth

Postby jwl1000 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 4:26 am

1.) I like Hummus
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Re: Confession Booth

Postby Bluethorn » Tue Dec 02, 2014 3:36 pm

1 - I have once been in a state of depression for almost 4 years. Having graduated high school with top-notch grades and an invite to one or two renowned schools, I applied for Cambridge and was accepted, and with a final entering examination I would have been able to study at the best school in England. However the day before the exam, I stayed up very late at a local library to prepare and was heading home when I was mugged by a group of 5 men. After a rather bloody struggle, I was hospitalized and hence was not able to attend the examination. Although I tried to talk with the school directory and doctors, I was not able to partake in the exam and missed my chance to study in an elite school. After a year in crutches, I was discharged and was fully recovered in all but mind. I had still blamed myself for letting such a great chance slip by, but refused to worry my parents and loved ones any longer and hid my feelings. I immediately applied to 10 different schools and from those I was to attend the National University of Singapore which was the 18th best university in the world by ranking at that time. It was there that I met Alice or GreenMelody, and for that I am very glad, and after a few years in Singapore my life turned the right way again. A beautiful girlfriend and soon-to-be fianceé, a guarantee in graduating one of the most elite schools in the world, a full-time job that had my wallets full for months on end, I finally overcame my depression.

2 - As a kid, I was a very chubby kid. Usually on Sundays and Saturdays, I would suggest to my neighbors to mow their lawns or walk their dogs in exchange for a small amount of money. With this money I bought so much candy and chocolate, I was 41 kilograms by the age of 8. This habit finally changed when I discovered the beauty that is sports. Naturally, I sucked and had low stamina due to fatness, I played whenever I could and spent all the money I earned to buy a new basketball or buy a ticket to the next football game. Through diligence, I lost weight tremendously fast and was actually pretty damn "toned" at the age of 13. I was considered one of the best young athletes in my town, and actually participated in many state competitions.

3 - I was apparently breast-fed until the age of 4.

4 - When I was around 14-15, I usually felt bad for homeless men and then once decided to feel their pain for one day at least. Saying that I would sleep over at a friend's place for 2 days, I got a rucksack, my warmest clothes, and a bottle of water; I walked around town, digging through trash cans and slept outside. Also they usually earn money by picking up trash from the streets and turning them in for recycling, so I did exactly that and ended up giving whatever cash I got to homeless men. It was a horrifying experience, never do it. That's my advice :)

5 - Pretty damn embarrassed to admit this one, but in junior high, a lot of my schoolmates used to talk about masturbation. One sleepover at a friend's house, everyone decided to bring forth their whippersnappers and masturbate in their sleeping bags. I decided to give it a shot and let one off. Liking the feeling of ejaculation I spent one month doing it whenever I could, even doing it in the school bathroom once. I was finally caught by my parents and was given a long lecture. From thereon I stopped. Shit.

6 - I may not seem like it, but I am actually a pretty hardcore drinker. Although I don't smoke, I have been drinking since 8th grade. Drinking small amounts of alcoholic soda in 8th, chugging beer by 10th, I got into vodka before I graduated. In university... oh god, every month had 2-3 drunk moments.

7 - I am going to be a father in 8 months.
Last edited by Bluethorn on Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Confession Booth

Postby Vortex_Master » Wed Dec 03, 2014 2:42 am

jwl1000 wrote:1.) I like Hummus

I for one, do not like hummus, and my girlfriend is Palestinian, so she and her family have Mediterranean food all the time, so they love hummus, and I feel left out. :lol:
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Re: Confession Booth

Postby jwl1000 » Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:23 am

Bluethorn wrote:2 With this money I bought so much candy and chocolate, I was 41 pounds by the age of 8.

Um, I don't know if this is a typo or something, but 41 pounds is VERY light. even at 8.
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