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This Week in Unanswered Posts

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 9:28 pm
by BeatlesFan
This Week in Unanswered Posts:

As a service to those forum members that make a new thread in the hopes of getting a reply and for some reason it never happens, I have opened this new thread called This Week in Unanswered Posts. I will reply to ONE unreplied to post per week, focusing on the oldest first. Your post must somehow interest me though, so please keep us entertained and the forum active with things that will be worth reading and hopefully inspire others to post.

Re: This Week in Unanswered Posts

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 9:34 pm
by BeatlesFan
Here is this week's winner:

It was originally posted on June 3, 2011 and was unanswered....until now.


BeatlesFan wrote:
Robomajor wrote:I am not sure if this is true, but it seems that if there is a base below the start button on your game, It puts you there because you did click the spot. It hasn't happened to me, but it may have happened to some people I was playing with. They complained about it. I am not sure if they were just double-clicking, or it is a bug. We will have to search into it more.

Your unanswered post calls to me. It is even called "Start here!" It is therefore the perfect place to start.

In your post you said "We will have to search into it more." I have to wonder, who went with you on the journey, did you find anything, is your entire group lost? I hope everyone makes it back safe with interesting stories to tell.

My best guess is that your theory was false and there is no base below the start button.

Re: This Week in Unanswered Posts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 6:05 am
by mattie
this is just bringing back old unanswered post's and unnecessary topic's like for that one just there I
thought that was a new topic

Re: This Week in Unanswered Posts

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:40 am
by BeatlesFan
Here is this week's winner:

It was originally posted on June 25, 2011 and was unanswered....until now.


Kaleb91 wrote:So tonight I was trying to play and there were ten people sitting AFK. Six of them were in the waiting lobby while another four were just sitting in ended games(they were the only one's in each game). So what's the most people you've ever seen AFK at one time?

I once went to an American Football game where there were approximately 55,000 people who, by definition, were AFK.

Re: This Week in Unanswered Posts

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:18 pm
by GivinUDaHimelik
BeatlesFan wrote:
Kaleb91 wrote:So tonight I was trying to play and there were ten people sitting AFK. Six of them were in the waiting lobby while another four were just sitting in ended games(they were the only one's in each game). So what's the most people you've ever seen AFK at one time?

I once went to an American Football game where there were approximately 55,000 people who, by definition, were AFK.

Haha, that's pretty good. But there's technically a keyboard on your phone. How many people were away from that?

Re: This Week in Unanswered Posts

PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 1:46 am
by BeatlesFan
I went on the one day where everyone forgot their phones.

Re: This Week in Unanswered Posts

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:06 am
by BeatlesFan
Here is this week's winner:

It was originally posted on November 22, 2011 and was unanswered....until now.

The thread is called “surrender button”


BeatlesFan wrote:
talonspiro wrote:my surrender button wont work. when i click on it nothing happens.

I don't own a surrender button. I am saving up though, I just need 500 more shards.