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PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:30 am
by Autumnwolf17
I say she was testing you, you should have remembered your girlfriend's birthday. :)

And isn't that what the internet is for? So much less awkwardness... and a lot less accountability for what you say too.


PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:32 am
by >(FM)<
Autumnwolf17 wrote:I say she was testing you, you should have remembered your girlfriend's birthday. :)

And isn't that what the internet is for? So much less awkwardness... and a lot less accountability for what you say too.

I did I bought her a present 2 weeks ago, and even told her I had it a few days ago!!
I even wanted to bring her to the movies but she was "busy" busy having her birthday celebration without her boyfriend.

Yes, internet does eliminate that whole awkward factor.


PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:39 am
by Autumnwolf17
Like, what kind of person even does that? That is soooo rude, like she doesn't even treat you right! Like omg gurl, that's your boyfriend right there, have some respect. I can't even anymore, like, wake up people this generation is so blind to love right now!

I can totally be your gal pal. Want a hug? :)


PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:41 am
by Bluethorn
My condolences, you seem to be a very nice person FM. It's her loss that she didn't invite you over, not yours. And as a side-note, please remember that it is nigh on impossible to understand women. These things happen and two weeks later they always manage to make it seem like brooding over it was embarrasing and unnecessary.. i know that feeling all too well ._.
Anyways, I'm no Dr.Phil but if she keeps this up I suggest maybe it's time to have a talk. But if you still feel bad over it, remember there are always guys like these:

*man-hug invitation*


PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:43 am
by >(FM)<
Autumnwolf17 wrote:Like, what kind of person even does that? That is soooo rude, like she doesn't even treat you right! Like omg gurl, that's your boyfriend right there, have some respect. I can't even anymore, like, wake up people this generation is so blind to love right now!

I can totally be your gal pal. Want a hug? :)

omg you like, totally sounded exactly like them!

Hugs are not needed... maybe a bro hug.


PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:47 am
by Autumnwolf17
Totally a bro hug. :lol:



PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:48 am
by >(FM)<
Bluethorn wrote:My condolences, you seem to be a very nice person FM. It's her loss that she didn't invite you over, not yours. And as a side-note, please remember that it is nigh on impossible to understand women. These things happen and two weeks later they always manage to make it seem like brooding over it was embarrasing and unnecessary.. i know that feeling all too well ._.
Anyways, I'm no Dr.Phil but if she keeps this up I suggest maybe it's time to have a talk. But if you still feel bad over it, remember there are always guys like these:

*man-hug invitation*

Yes, very complicated, picture this, this is the best way I can explain it.
So you have your stereotypical girl right?
Always want to talk to her guy, excited to see him, blah blah.

Then your stereotypical guy,
Doesn't show much enthusiasm. (except for the whole wanting sex part)

Now swap the gender roles and put them to extreme, that's my situation. I'm the female omfg.

The ironic part is, I dated her before, then broke up with her, then she started texting me saying "your the only one to treat me right" "your not just after sex" blah blah.
We had these same problems last time (some of you may remember me complaining from last time) YUP SAME GIRL SAME FUCKING SITUATION.
Excuse my french...


PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:56 am
by Autumnwolf17
When you switch the stereotypical gender roles and put them to the extreme, it's usually called prostitution, except the guy still wants sex.

Maybe you don't have to be one or the other stereotype. Enjoy her company for the best parts of it, and try to do nice things to get her to enjoy yours. But if it gets to be too much work to make her happy or if you're not getting enough positive response from her, maybe it's time to have a talk with her or try to take it a bit easier between each other for a little while. And if that doesn't work out, it might be time to see other people. :(


PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:08 am
by >(FM)<
Autumnwolf17 wrote:When you switch the stereotypical gender roles and put them to the extreme, it's usually called prostitution, except the guy still wants sex.

Maybe you don't have to be one or the other stereotype. Enjoy her company for the best parts of it, and try to do nice things to get her to enjoy yours. But if it gets to be too much work to make her happy or if you're not getting enough positive response from her, maybe it's time to have a talk with her or try to take it a bit easier between each other for a little while. And if that doesn't work out, it might be time to see other people. :(

I try to talk to her but it's like she ignores me and acts like everything's okay going on her phone like she's doing something... She just won't listen, but I love her and the Times we do spend together were the best moments of my life, after we broke up I went through emotional Hell, and stayed that way until she texted me that one night...


PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:14 am
by Bluethorn
I'm going to take a guess and say you're in school. It may not be much but all I can offer is advice from a college graduate:
1) Worry about girls later, in college even the nerdiest of the nerds have a high chance of getting a girlfriend.
2) Focus on your studies, even if all else fails and you end up graduating school AND college decently well, you'll be stacked in women and money for life, just takes a bit more responsibility but I'm sure you have that.
3) Someone who doesn't devote themselves to their relationship isn't worth your time.
4) If you have enough time to be worried about love, then get on the goddamned game more, I want to play with you sometime, sexual innuendo not intended.
5) From actual experience, sitting down and talking for even a little while works miracles and a whole bunch of time for both of you in worst AND best case scenarios.
6) If you feel like testing her devotion, return the favor for a few weeks and maybe if she actually has it for you then she'll feel all-to-known feeling of not knowing what you had until it's already gone.
7) Eat pizza. Mmm, pizza...