Bad news so terrible its just bad.

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Re: Bad news so terrible its just bad.

Postby highlander » Thu May 29, 2014 4:02 pm

BaD NewS so TeRRible Its JusT BaD !!



General 'Noob-Killer' MacKenzie:-Trolls, Kill them all.
The Yawn Tournament :
Ms.Calleharnemark Poetry Book:
Fangfallen tree hugger or serial cheater.
Clans: Missing Out or Just Pointless.
Tribune: News or Hogwash.

All These Headlines Plus UP-dates:
What bloody up-dates, takes a week to type the crap that took a week to be crap.

WARRIOR'S CREED:Has this infamous clan eventually agreed to agree by agreement that a Tri-Power is the best way forward.The Newly formed Triple-Headed-Alliance has agreed that the last two years of constant elections and power struggles are behind them.When asked for an interview neither parties of the Triple-Headed-Alliance could agree on a date for the interview( maybe have to wait another two years for that debate).Now that this once great( :roll: ) clan could actually start recruiting and actually have clan matches.Although this reporter suspects that after so many election campaigns (No Wonder America Has Debt,Takes four years to campaign an election) ) that there is very little funds left to mount a long standing fight.Poor funds means poor soldiers.This reporter wishes the new Triple-Headed-alliance luck (they'll need it).

News-Flash:The self-confessed arsenic poisoner _Funnyman_,who until recently was going through ground breaking therapy at The BeverlyHill DaffyDuck Hospital. Has applied for his old job at The Tribune.All this reporter say if you can't succeed the first time Try Try Again,enjoy your coffee Tribune.


General'Noob-Killer'MacKenzie: We asked General MacKenzie( only because no self respecting officer would) what is a troll? General MacKenzie's reply was they're all Commies son.
Commie Troll.jpg
Every pointed-eared buck tooth troll is a COMMIE.I told those big-wigs in Washington but i got shunned,ever since Nam i knew those sneaky Commies would try again.My God son theres Commies in The WhiteHouse.Well there you have it gamers from an old war-horse like General MacKenzie,(who will be getting carted away and not too soon) The Troll war continues against these annoying , aggravating,piss-ant nerds of the Vortex Wars.
Trolls:Theres no excuse.

Ms.Calleharnemark released her long awaited poetry book of her self chronicles within the Vortex and further.
Calleharnemark's Book..jpg

Asked about the title Ms.Calleharnemark cheekly replied it was a pondering thought.Also asked if the book has any new revelations of the vortex wars community and its brave warriors , she gasped and said buy the book and find out i'm not telling.

The Yawn Tournament: The greatly awaited (cough cough the second Messiah would be quicker) took a step forward in annoucing it only has two vacant enrollment places left. This the third but eagerly awaited for,actually has genuine prizes (all checks not to cashed before 2525).When asked about why 2525 for the date , Lopdo meerly replied he liked the song ,so all checks and future up-dates will be 2525.

Clans:Are you missing out on the great battles or just see a pointless staleness to these once noble conquests.Once the Vortex Wars shock with the marching of the original ten clans,names that are just ghostly memories now.There have been clans since and went aswell but all that remain are seven clans and only 4\5 have been having recent battle engagements.This reporter suggests its time for the clans to dust themselves off and get recruiting for new blood.

Intrigue,Shocking,Erotica and Betrayal: The quiet slumber of the vortex wars community were shocked to learn of FANGFALLENS confession of splinters within Drone603's Short Stories of Erotica.This long time champion of nature and tree hugger has the community intrigued.His fellow tree hugging companion AUTUMNWOLF17 was distressed to learn of his betrayal to go hugging without him.We asked TREEBEARD of the ENTS for his input about FANGFALLENS wandering in The Forrest of FANGORN .TREEBEARDS reply was rather dubious but stated the Cherry tree is still in shock and may press charges.

Royal Blue or Royal Pink:More gossip and questions were asked than answered,when Royal Blue self congratulated himself on becoming an uncle to his new nephew.Questions that why would a man get over-excited at a birth but we here at BAD NEWS wish baby and Uncle Blue or is it Aunty Pink, all the best.

This is Ken O' Brien wishing all our readers the best.
(Gee what pitiful lives we live, i type crap and you read it)

PS.Please the above info was just a load of crap written for the fun of saying crap and not getting banned(hahaha).But seriously this was BAD NEWS brought to you by a not too sober a person,(hic)gee who wants to be sober when looking at your photo's.

Please post all complaints to the usually address or better still flood Fangfallens private messages with arguements to ban me.
If i forgot any details please complain so i can put in next weeks news.
Scotland The Brave

Hint;Stop being abusive /bullying and you'll not be reported.
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