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Leftovers Counter - Exact Cases Localized

PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:44 am
by Joriom
Leftover counter freezes awful a lot. I've started to pay attention to when it starts to bug. I've realized it often goes mad when player had some reinforcements and spent them all, so there should be "0" left and only on Manual Placement (at least due to my observations). With Borders and Random counter goes from X down to Y which refreshes the number. On Manual we can only see the effect. When its exactly "0" it sometimes (often!) bugs leaving old value there. When player has any new leftovers it starts to work as it is intended to as long he has more than 0.

I'm reporting this cause in my last 8 games I've seen this 6 times... And before you start to blame me for lag:

Re: Leftovers Counter - Exact Cases Localized

PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:50 am
by Lopdo
thanks, I will try to look into it. I made few more improvements that might (or might not) help. I am not exactly sure why is this happening but I have some suspicions. It is hard to pinpoint it accurately :/